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'Click' Here to Visit: 'Yosemite Bug Health Spa', Now Open. "We provide a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere. Come in and let us help You Relax"
'Click' for More Info: 'Chocolate Soup', Fine Home Accessories and Gifts, Located in Mariposa, California
'Click' for More Info: 'Chocolate Soup', Fine Home Accessories and Gifts, Located in Mariposa, California
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'Click' Here to Visit Happy Burger Diner in Mariposa... "We have FREE Wi-Fi, we're Eco-Friendly & have the Largest Menu in the Sierra"
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'Click' for More Info: Inter-County Title Company Located in Mariposa, California

Rubio Announces Opposition To Budget Deal

October 27, 2015 - Washington, D.C.– U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement regarding the budget deal announced last night by the White House and congressional leaders:

“I oppose this deal, which fails to seriously address the long-term drivers of our debt, contains no fundamental reforms to stop Washington from spending money it doesn’t have and does not come close to meeting our military rubio marco officialneeds in a dangerous global security environment. ‎This severely flawed deal punts an opportunity to prioritize defense spending to the levels necessary to protect our nation, irresponsibly increases the debt ceiling through March 2017 and fails to reform Social Security Disability Insurance to ensure its long-term solvency.

“Almost five years after I arrived in the Senate, little has changed in Washington because we have leadership failure at the presidential level and a political establishment that keeps negotiating deals behind closed doors that will only leave our children and grandchildren saddled with more debt. The American people deserve a transparent process on major fiscal deals, and the way this is all shaping up to go down proves again that it’s ‘business as usual’ in Washington.

“We need to fundamentally reform our entitlement programs for future generations and adopt major economic reforms that would boost growth and help us pay down our debt.‎ This deal does nothing that future generations of Americans will be proud of us for; instead, it postpones tough decisions until after the next election.”
Source: Sen. Marco Rubio

Sen. Cruz: Stop John Boehner’s ‘Golden Parachute’ Budget Deal

No Senator Or Congressman Who Campaigned On Stopping Runaway Spending And Debt Should Vote To Advance Or Pass This Deal

October 27, 2015 - WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement about the budget emerging from negotiations between the Obama White House and GOP Congressional leadership:

“Majority Leader McConnell and a lame duck Speaker Boehner have once again linked arms with a lame duck President Obama and Congressional Democrats to extend Washington’s failed spending policies another two years. This is not a ‘grand bargain’ or negotiation -- it is complete and utter surrender. John Boehner’s golden cruz ted photo 450parachute will certainly cement his legacy, but it is a slap in the face to conservatives who rose up across the country in 2014 on a promise that we would stop the disastrous runaway spending and debt in Washington. We now have a GOP Congress, but no one watching this budget surrender would know it.

“For anyone wondering about the source of the American people’s volcanic frustration with Washington, one need look no further than so-called ‘Republican’ majorities in both houses of Congress increasing the budget and our debt by more than $400 billion. It’s ridiculous, deceitful, and a disgrace.

“Make no mistake: the Speaker’s golden parachute is a victory for the Washington Cartel, for the politically connected elite, and for big business and lobbyists who get in bed with career politicians to grow government. Unfortunately, it is a loss for single moms, for Hispanics and African Americans, for small businesses, and for all of those hardworking Americans who can’t afford expensive lobbyists and are hurting the most under the Obama Administration’s failed policies.

“No one in Congress who campaigned on stopping President Obama’s runaway spending and debt should vote to advance or pass this golden parachute that gives Obama and Boehner nearly everything they want. This budget completely annihilates the 2011 budget caps, the one successful attempt at spending restraint in the Obama era. We should never default on our debt, but this deal suspends the debt ceiling, saddling future generations with the bill for our reckless spending, while making no meaningful reforms to the programs driving our runaway spending.

“President Obama and Speaker Boehner are heading into retirement. Some people get a gold watch. Obama and Boehner are settling for at least $80 billion in additional spending and debt above the budget caps. Unfortunately, our children and grandchildren will be left to foot the bill long after they are gone.”
Source: Sen. Ted Cruz