High-Country Health Food and Cafe in Mariposa California

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March 13, 2025 – Grass Valley, CA – Grass Valley Police Department officials report that yesterday afternoon, around 4:30 p.m., officers responded to an attempted bank robbery on Sutton Way. The suspect fled the branch as officers were responding. There were no injuries to bank staff or citizens. Officers began interviews and reviewing camera footage from the business, and throughout the area. 

Less than ten minutes after the bank incident, officers were dispatched to the 200 block of East Main Street for another reported robbery. Through swift investigation, officers linked the two incidents and identified the suspect as Joshua David Morris, 26-year-old of Nevada County. 

GVPD, with the assistance of the Nevada County Sheriff's Office, arrested Morris at his residence near Allison Ranch Road around 8:00 p.m. 

This remains an active investigation as officers and detectives continue their work into the night. We’re thankful no one was injured during the commission of these acts. 

Anyone with additional information to contact Grass Valley PD via dispatch at (530) 265-7880.

Source: Grass Valley Police Department
Grass Valley Police