October 9, 2016 - Does your home have a smoke alarm? Accourding to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the answer is likely "yes". However, research also shows that most people have NO idea how old their smoke alarm is!NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code®, requires smoke alarms be replaced at least every 10 years, but because the public is generally unaware of this requirement, many homes have smoke alarms past their expiration date, putting people at increased risk. October 9-15 is National Fire Prevention Week, which is a good time to make sure all homes have updated and working smoke alarms on every level, in every sleeping area, and in the hallways leading to the sleeping areas. Age matters when it comes to your smoke alarms. To check how old your smoke alarm is, look for the manufacture date on the back of all of the smoke alarms in your home.
Home fires killed more than 2,650 people in the United States in 2015 and fire departments responded to more than 365,500 home fires. Early warning is critical to preventing injuries and deaths related to fires in the home, and smoke alarms are one simple step to saving lives.
“Far too many homes have smoke alarms that are old or do not function properly," said Acting State Fire Marshal Mike Richwine. "Take the time to replace any smoke alarms that are 10 years or older, or don’t work properly. Remember, in the event of a fire, a properly working smoke alarm can save your life.”
The 2016 Fire Prevention Week theme, “Don’t Wait – Check the Date!” reminds us all of the simple actions we can take to stay safer from fire during Fire Prevention Week and year-round.

Source: CAL FIRE