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Attempted Homicide of Pelican Bay State Prison Officer Under Investigation 

February 3, 2025 – DEL NORTE, CA – California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) officials are investigating the alleged attempted homicide of a peace officer at Pelican Bay State Prison (PBSP).

On Jan. 30, 2025, at approximately 7:15 a.m., incarcerated persons Jose Gonzalez, Richard Wilson, and Luis Torres, attacked a supervising Correctional Officer with an inmate-manufactured weapon in a dining hall. The officer sustained a laceration and puncture wounds. Staff used OC pepper spray to quell the attack. An inmate-manufactured weapon was found at the scene and processed into evidence. The officer was transported to an outside medical facility, for treatment of his injuries and has been admitted for observation.

Gonzalez, Wilson and Torres were transferred to another institution for placement in restricted housing. Prison officials are currently investigating the incident. The case will be referred to the Del Norte District Attorney’s Office for possible felony prosecution.

Peer support and EAP services are being offered to employees.

CDCR inmates
Gonzalez, 38, was received from Los Angeles County on June 25, 2008. He was sentenced to life with the possibility of parole for first-degree murder, evading or attempting to evade a peace officer while driving recklessly and intentional discharge of a firearm causing GBI/death.

Wilson, 32, was received from Sacramento County on Jan. 17, 2015. He was sentenced to 14 years for DUI/bodily injury/one prior with enhancements for a prior felony conviction of a serious offense and inflicting great bodily injury. He was sentenced by San Luis Obispo County on Feb. 16, 2018, to three years for battery on a non-prisoner, an in-prison offense. On Feb. 25, 2021, he was sentenced by Del Norte County to one year for possession/manufacture of a deadly weapon by an incarcerated person, an in-prison offense.

Torres, 34, was received from Los Angeles County on Feb. 7, 2014, sentenced to life with the possibility of parole for first-degree murder with second strike, intentional discharge of firearm causing GBI/death. While incarcerated, he was sentenced to an additional four-year for assault by prisoner with any means of force likely/GBI, an in-prison offense.

Activated in 1989, PBSP houses approximately 2045, minimum-, medium-, high- and maximum-security custody incarcerated people. Located 13 miles from the Oregon-California border, PBSP offers academic classes, vocational programs, rehabilitative programs, medical services, mental health services, religious services, work assignments and self-help groups, and employs approximately 1,400 people.

Source & photos: CDCR