“We oppose Congressman Valadao’s bill to weaken California’s ability to manage its own natural resources. California’s Central Valley helps feed the world. It deserves sensible and responsible water solutions—this measure doesn't even come close to meeting that test. His legislation would preempt existing California environmental laws and regulations, giving the Trump administration greater control over water management in our state.
“Science should be at the center of all decisions affecting California’s water supply. This bill would eliminate the existing biological opinions required under the Endangered Species Act. It also prevents California from using new scientific data to manage our water supply by reverting us back to outdated limits set more than two decades ago.
“Congressman Valadao’s bill would set back the progress made to find a balanced solution to California’s drought. If this bill passes the House of Representatives, we will fight to defeat it in the Senate.”
Source: Senator Dianne Feinstein