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Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay 

February 28, 2023 - Washington - Senators Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla (both D-Calif.) have announced $139.5 million in grant funding from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for eight airports across California to upgrade, modernize and rebuild structures, terminals and air traffic control towers. The grant funds are part of the FY 2023 Airport Terminal Program, which are made available thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which the senators voted for.

Click here for a complete list of projects funded under the FY 2023 Airport Terminal Program 

“The 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is supporting important projects across California. The announcement of nearly $140 million for critical projects at airports across the state will go a long way toward ensuring our airports remain capable of supporting the world’s fourth largest economy and improve the safety and efficiency of travel,” Senator Feinstein said. 

“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is continuing to deliver for California,” said Senator Padilla. “This latest round of federal dollars coming to California will make our airports safer and more accessible to passengers, with upgrades to modernize terminals and improve energy efficiency. This is a big win that creates jobs and improves the experience for the millions of Californians and visitors who travel through our airports.” 

Last summer, Feinstein and Padilla announced nearly $100 million in airport infrastructure grant funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. In December 2021, Feinstein and Padilla announced that 167 airports across California would receive over $294 million from the first installment of formula airport infrastructure grant funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The FAA will allocate an additional $12 billion nationwide in airport infrastructure improvements over the next several years. Funding will help airports make upgrades like runway and taxiway renovations, increase cargo capacity, upgrade terminal facilities and safety enhancements.

More information about the FY 2023 Airport Terminal Program is available here.
Source: Senator Dianne Feinstein