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May 17, 2023 - Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur (D-West Hollywood/Santa Monica) on Tuesday announced a series of bills to advance social Rick Chavez Zbur california assemblymemberjustice and LGBTQ+ civil rights. The package of bills promotes social justice for LGBTQ+ and all students, improves opportunities for teachers and temporary workers, and expands consumer protections in the health marketplace.

"I'm proud to author bills that will help Californians provide for their families and achieve the California dream," said Assemblymember Zbur. "Whether allowing temporary workers access to a union, improving the pipeline to help school staff become teachers in our schools, protecting LGBTQ+ and all students in schools or preserving access to lifesaving medications like PreP, these measures support our state's residents in their quest to be accepted and respected in our community, and lead healthy, productive lives that improve their careers and earning potential."

The bills in Zbur's civil and LGBTQ+ rights package include:

AB 5: Safe & Supportive Schools Act

Every child deserves to attend a safe and supportive school where they have the greatest possible opportunity to learn and succeed. Despite much progress, LGBTQ+ students still experience harassment, violence, and lack of affirmation in school settings far too often. These experiences can harm LGBTQ+ students' school performance and success, self-esteem, and mental health and can reduce their desire to pursue post-secondary education. Lack of adequate support in schools results in high dropout rates, which leads to high rates of poverty, homelessness and engagement with the criminal justice system for LGBTQ+ people. AB 5 will provide public school teachers and staff, who are on the front lines of supporting California students, with the training and support they need to better serve LGBTQ+ and all students. Sponsors: CFT, California Teachers Association, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, Equality California

AB 383: Improving the Classified School Staff to Teacher Pipeline

This bill will reduce California's current teacher shortage by helping classified school employees become fully credentialed teachers. It allows participants in the state's Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program to use funds received through the Program to cover their living expenses while in training and enhances their ability to take leave so that they can accomplish their training. Sponsor: CFT

AB 1484: Bargaining Rights for Temporary Employees

The ability of workers to bargain for basic workplace rights and protections is a bedrock value in our state. Temporary employees are a vital part of the public workforce for many local governments and are often employed for long periods of time, yet they are often not allowed to bargain alongside their permanent coworkers for good wages, benefits, and working conditions. AB 1484 provides temporary employees of cities and counties the option to join existing bargaining units, providing them with basic workers' rights without significantly increasing costs or limiting the employer's ability to hire temporary workers as needed. Sponsors: SEIU California, California Labor Federation, AFSCME

AB 1645: Enhanced Consumer Protections for Preventive Care

Every Californian deserves access to preventive health care that is comprehensive, inclusive, and affordable. Current California law relating to preventive health care and screenings for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) contains loopholes that need closing. AB 1645 ensures that patients can access not only preventive care but also all of the services and office visits that are necessary for delivering that care without cost-sharing, including medication management and lab testing for PrEP, a life-saving HIV prevention medication. On March 30, 2023, a federal judge in Texas struck down national protections for preventive care benefits under the Affordable Care Act in Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra. Under AB 1645, there will be no question that HIV PrEP and all the necessary care for delivering this life-saving medication, including lab tests and STI screening, will remain covered without cost sharing. Sponsors:  CA Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, APLA Health, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, Los Angeles LGBT Center, Equality California

Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur represents the 51st Assembly District, which includes Hollywood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Westwood, Santa Monica and portions of Los Angeles.
Source: Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur