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June 5, 2023 – John C. Fremont Healthcare District issued a proclamation in support of recognizing June as Pride Month.

Dear Members of our Community,

I am writing to you as the Interim CEO of John C. Fremont Healthcare District to express our unwavering support for the initiative to officially designate the month of June as Pride Month in Mariposa County. It is with great pride and conviction that we stand alongside our diverse community in promoting inclusivity, understanding, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

As healthcare providers, it is our duty to prioritize the well-being of every person who enters our doors, regardless of their backgrounds. The medical community recognizes that the health and happiness of an individual are deeply intertwined with their social environment and acceptance. By acknowledging and supporting Pride Month, we not only affirm our commitment to providing high-quality healthcare, but also to fostering a community that is safe, accepting, and affirming for all residents.

There are numerous medical and health-related reasons for backing this initiative. Research consistently shows that individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ face unique health disparities and challenges due to the discrimination and marginalization they often encounter. Specifically in Mariposa County, our statistics for suicide, depression and anxiety are at unfathomable levels. By recognizing Pride Month, we aim to raise awareness about these disparities and actively work towards eliminating them.

Some key health-related reasons for supporting Pride Month include:

  1. Mental Health: LGBTQ+ individuals experience higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation compared to their heterosexual counterparts. By promoting Pride Month, we are advocating for mental health support and resources that can help address these alarming disparities.

  2. Access to Healthcare: Many LGBTQ+ individuals face barriers to accessing healthcare, such as discrimination, lack of culturally competent providers, and fear of stigma. By standing in solidarity during Pride Month, we are reaffirming our commitment to providing accessible, compassionate, and equitable healthcare services for all residents of Mariposa County.

  3. HIV/AIDS Awareness: Pride Month also serves as an important reminder of the ongoing challenges related to HIV/AIDS. It provides an opportunity to promote education, prevention, testing, and treatment efforts in our community, ensuring that individuals receive the care and support they need.

Beyond these medical reasons, acknowledging and celebrating Pride Month is vital to fostering a sense of belonging, equality, and harmony within our community. We firmly believe that Mariposa County thrives when all its residents, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, feel valued, respected, and embraced.

By supporting Pride Month, we are sending a clear message of support to our LGBTQ+ neighbors, friends, family members, and colleagues. We are reinforcing the idea that diversity is our strength and that every individual in our community deserves equal rights, opportunities, and access to healthcare.

On behalf of John C. Fremont Healthcare District, I hereby proclaim our full support for the initiative to designate June as Pride Month in Mariposa County. We encourage all residents, businesses, and organizations to join us in celebrating the contributions and experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals, promoting equality, and fostering an environment of acceptance and understanding.


Lynn Buskill
Interim Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer

Lisa Hoyle
Chief Nursing Officer

Julie Adair
Chief Human Resource Officer

Andrew Smith
Chief Financial Officer

Dr. Joseph Rogers
Board Chair

Wendy Ryder-Priola
Board Secretary/Vice Chair

Nicholas Lambert
Board Treasurer

Suzette Prue
Member of the Board

Rose Fluharty
Member of the Board

Source: John C. Fremont Healthcare District
JCF butterfly

JCFHD PrideMonth Proclamation 1
JCFHD PrideMonth Proclamation 2