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June 6, 2023 - WASHINGTON – U.S. Representatives Jim Costa (CA-21) and David Valadao (CA-22) introduced a resolution designating the jim costa congressman california 16th districtmonth of June as Portuguese National Heritage Month. The resolution also highlights the countless contributions that millions of Portuguese Americans have made to the nation. 

Representative Jim Costa CA-21)

“Portuguese-Americans have helped shape American culture and economic growth both in the San Joaquin Valley and nationwide. As a proud descendant of Portuguese immigrants - the traditions and values my family took from the Azores have never been far from my heart,” said Costa. “The story of Portuguese Americans is part of the American Story, immigrants past and immigrants present. I’m honored to introduce this bipartisan resolution designating June as Portuguese National Heritage Month and recognizing the contributions of the Portuguese American community to our nation.”

“Portuguese Americans have made incredible contributions to our communities here in the Central Valley and across the country. Like many other Portuguese Americans, my parents emigrated from the Azores Islands of Portugal in search of more opportunities for their children here in the United States,” said Valadao. “This month, we recognize Portuguese Americans who have made a lasting impact on the fabric of our country. I’m honored to recognize June as Portuguese National Heritage Month, and I’m proud to be a member of the Portuguese American community.”

Reps. Costa and Valadao serve as co-chairs of the Congressional Portuguese Caucus for the 118th Congress. The two were joined in the introduction of the resolution by Reps. James McGovern (MA-02), Seth Magaziner (RI-02), Lori Trahan (MA-03), and William Keating (MA-09). 

You can read the full resolution here
Source: Congressman Jim Costa