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June 26, 2023 - President Joe Biden's Statement on the Anniversary of Landmark Marriage Equality Rulings.

Today marks the anniversary of three landmark Supreme Court cases which were consequential in affirming the basic truth that every American should have the right to marry the person they love. joe biden president official photo 2021Ten years ago today, the Supreme Court rulings in United States v. Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry made significant strides laying the groundwork for marriage equality in our country. They were followed two years later, to the day, by the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, finally allowing millions of LGBTQI+ Americans to marry who they love.

These monumental cases moved our country forward, and they were made possible because of the courageous couples and unrelenting advocates in the LGBTQI+ community who, for decades, fought for these hard-won rights. Last year, I was proud to build on their legacy by signing into law the Respect for Marriage Act – guaranteeing the rights and protections which LGBTQI+ Americans are entitled to – surrounded by many of the plaintiffs from these cases. But more work lies ahead, and I continue to call on Congress to pass the Equality Act, to codify additional protections to combat the increased attacks on the rights and safety of those in the LGBTQI+ community.

As we conclude Pride month, we’re once again reminded that we must never stop fighting to reach full equality for all LGBTQI+ – and all – Americans.

Source: Office of the White House