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July 1, 2023 - Washington - On Friday, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling in 303 Creative v. Dianne FeinsteinElenis that a Colorado web designer has a First Amendment right to discriminate against same-sex couples despite a state law forbidding discrimination:

“It’s extremely disappointing that on the last day of Pride month, the Supreme Court has enshrined discrimination against LGBTQ individuals.

“This is the first time the court has granted businesses the right to deny services to a protected class of people. I’m fearful it has now opened the door for other forms of discrimination by businesses claiming First Amendment protections.

“The First Amendment protects an individual’s speech. But it’s not a tool to strike down other important constitutional protections, such as the right to be free from discrimination. This decision will harm real people who again can be treated as second-class citizens.

“Same-sex couples deserve the right to live free of discrimination. Congress must continue the fight to protect equality and justice under the law.”


  • Senator Feinstein was the author of the Respect for Marriage Act, which was signed into law last year protecting marriage equality.

  • She was one of 14 senators to sign an amicus brief in this case, calling on the court to uphold Colorado’s anti-discrimination law.

  • Along with Senators Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Tina Smith (D-Minn.), she is the author of a Senate resolution recognizing June as LGBTQ Pride Month.
    Source: Senator Dianne Feinstein