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July 2, 2023 - Calaveras County Sheriff's Office officials report that as the Fourth of July holiday approaches, we would like to address some important safety concerns to ensure a happy and secure celebration for everyone in our community.

Road Safety: Increased traffic is expected during the holiday. We urge everyone to practice responsible driving habits. Avoid distractions, never drink alcohol, and drive, and ensure everyone in your vehicle wears their seatbelt. Let's make our roads safer for everyone.

Fireworks Safety: Fireworks can be exciting, but they can also pose serious risks. Please follow local laws and regulations and only enjoy fireworks in designated areas. Let's prioritize safety and avoid any unnecessary accidents. A study by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission reported an estimated 7,400 firework-related injuries in 2022.

Note: Calaveras County is a high-fire risk zone. Possession or use of all brands and types of fireworks in the Calaveras County Ebbetts Pass Fire District is illegal.

Pet Safety: Fireworks can be stressful for our furry friends. Create a calm and secure environment for them. Keep them indoors, provide soothing music, and consult with your veterinarian about any additional measures to ensure their well-being.

Water Safety: We would like to emphasize the importance of safety for residents and visitors in and around the Candy Rock area of the Stanislaus River and other waterways within the county. It is crucial to be aware of the potential dangers associated with these areas, as unfortunate incidents resulting in fatalities and injuries have occurred. High, rushing water poses serious risk of drowning. Additionally, consuming alcohol or other substances while recreating on any waterway increases the risk of injury, drowning, and fatality.

Based on the risk factors associated with Candy Rock, the Sheriff’s Office discourages entry into the water or recreation at the river’s edge in that area.  There has been a recent increase in rescue operations at this specific location due to individuals who venture down to the water without considering the challenges they may face on the return journey, such as the distance, heat, and lack of preparedness. It is worth noting that walking downhill may seem effortless until the uphill return trip becomes a strenuous task.

The access point to Candy Rock is situated in a steep canyon where temperatures can exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the afternoon, causing stagnant air. Individuals who choose to engage in recreational activities at this location, as well as parents permitting their children to visit, should take the following factors into account: There is no cellular service along the trail to Candy Rock or within the river area. In the event of an emergency, contacting 911 requires individuals to walk back out of the trail and drive a distance until they regain cell service.

The 1.5-mile access road leading to the trailhead from the parking area is significantly deteriorated. It cannot accommodate regular vehicles or ambulances.  As of 2023, the roadway past the parking area is no longer passable for rescue ATVs.   Additionally, the main roadway leading to the parking area is an unpaved, single-wide roadway in poor condition.   During evening hours, leaving the area can be significantly delayed due to a continuous flow of vehicles.  Accordingly, rescue vehicles attempting to access the parking area can also be dangerously delayed.  

Injuries that occur at the river’s edge of Candy Rock generally require technical rescue and ropes for extrication. In summer months, helicopters have been unable to perform rescues due to the challenging terrain and high-risk factors involved.

For more information about local events and celebrations, please visit the Calaveras Visitors Bureau website here:  https://www.gocalaveras.com/4th-of-july-fireworks.

Remember, your safety is our top priority. Stay vigilant, look out for one another, and report any suspicious activities to our department. Together, we can make this Fourth of July a memorable and safe celebration for all.

Wishing you a Happy and Safe Fourth of July!

Source: Calaveras County Sheriff's Office
CCSO fourth