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July 5, 2023 - Mariposa, CA – John C. Fremont Healthcare District, is proud to reaffirm its commitment to transparency and community engagement by releasing a comprehensive spreadsheet outlining action items that were brought up during the March Town Hall meeting. This initiative showcases JCFHD's dedication to continuous improvement and open communication with the community it serves.

The spreadsheet, which can be accessed from the district's website, under the "Town Hall Updates" page, provides a detailed overview of the action items identified during the March Town Hall. It demonstrates JCFHD's proactive approach to addressing any issues or concerns raised by community members. By sharing this information, JCFHD aims to foster trust, accountability, and collaboration with the community it serves.

Since the March Town Hall, JCFHD's dedicated team has worked tirelessly to address and rectify the identified action items. We are proud to report that an impressive 72% of these items have already been corrected, showcasing the hospital's commitment to swift action and continuous improvement.

Moving forward, JCFHD will continue to update the spreadsheet regularly, ensuring that the community has visibility into the progress made on each action item. This transparent approach allows community members to track our efforts and witness firsthand the positive changes being implemented. The spreadsheet showcases a "Completed" column, where green indicates completed, yellow indicates in progress, and blue indicates in progress and pending board approval.

The next Town Hall meeting is scheduled for September 21st, during which JCFHD will provide further updates on the progress made since the March Town Hall. This forum will offer an opportunity for community members to engage with hospital leadership, ask questions, and provide feedback.

John C. Fremont Healthcare District remains committed to delivering exceptional healthcare services while prioritizing transparency and community involvement. We believe that by working together, we can create an environment that fosters trust and ensures the best possible care for our community.

John C. Fremont Hospital, Mariposa, California (file photo)
Source:John C. Fremont Healthcare District