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May 22, 2024 - Sonora, California –– Tuolumne County District Attorney Cassandra Jenecke announced on Tuesday that on May 20, 2024, Claudio Puccio, a resident of the State of Virginia who was staying in Tuolumne County District Attorney logothe Columbia area, was sentenced to 9 years in state prison to be served at 85%. This sentence comes after the defendant plead guilty to robbery with a firearm and assault with a deadly weapon. These crimes both qualify as strike offenses under California's Three Strikes Sentencing scheme. 

The convictions arise from an incident that occurred on March 17, 2024, when a couple was camping near Camp 9 in Columbia. While sleeping, the couple was awakened by the defendant yelling that he was going to kill them and demanded their money. The defendant pointed a handgun at both victims, forced them to their vehicles and ordered them to leave the area. The victims called 911 and Tuolumne County Sheriff’s deputies were able to accompany the victim back to the campsite to collect his belongings. Ultimately, the defendant was located nearby and was taken into custody.

In court, one of the victims gave a Victims’ Impact Statement about how significantly this event has affected her life. We are grateful to the victims in this case for their strength and determination in seeking justice.

The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Stephanie Novelli.
Source: Tuolumne County District Attorney's Office