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Rawhide Bridge Update 

May 26, 2024 – Tuolumne County Sheriff's Office officials report that several days ago, Deputy Sheriff's, in collaboration with Code Compliance, posted a 72-hour notice to vacate the area of the encampment along Woods Creek, near the Rawhide Bridge. A few days ago, Deputy Sheriff's and allied agencies including Code Compliance, Health and Human Services and Animal Control, patrolled the area and ensured everyone had vacated so clean-up efforts could begin. The area surrounding Woods Creek is littered with debris and trash due to the unlawful encampment, requiring extensive clean-up and vegetation management.

These enforcement efforts were in response to numerous complaints stemming from the encampment's adverse impacts affecting quality of life and business in the area. Throughout the last two weeks, deputies have been enforcing all violations of Penal and Health and Safety Codes, to include Fish and Game codes for pollution. Code compliance conducted parallel notifications and assisted the Sheriff's Office by identifying high water marks and organizing abatement crews.

This process has been a team effort, which included partnering with allied agencies to ensure people living in the encampment are educated on the law and provided all appropriate resources. We want to thank Tuolumne County Code Compliance, Tuolumne County Animal Control and Tuolumne County Health and Human Services for their support in this collaborative effort.

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Source & photos: Tuolumne County Sheriff's Office