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'Click' for More Info: Inter-County Title Company Located in Mariposa, California

June 4, 2024 - Washington, D.C. – Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi released the following statement ahead of the 35th nancy pelosianniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, which occurred on June 4, 1989:

“Thirty-five years ago in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, the world witnessed one of the most courageous acts of dissent – and one of the most violent and brutal crackdowns – in modern history.  The image of a lone man staring down a line of tanks is forever seared into our collective memory.  The man before the tank remains an enduring reminder of the heroism of the ordinary Chinese citizens who put their lives on the line for dignity and liberty.

“Tragically, more than three decades later, the Chinese Communist Party’s regime of repression and persecution has only intensified.   We are seeing an ongoing genocide of the Uyghurs, the assault of religion, language and culture in Tibet, the baseless prosecution of pro-democracy advocates in Hong Kong under the new so-called national security law and many more abuses nationwide.  At the same time, we see their threats to global security in the South China Sea and increased aggression against Taiwan. 

“On a bipartisan and bicameral basis, Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate have strongly condemned these shameful human rights abuses and threats to security, and proudly stand with the brave truth-tellers and pro-democracy demonstrators. 

“Beijing’s tanks and troops may have crushed the demonstration 35 years ago, but they could not silence the demands for dignity and democracy that have echoed ever since.  Today, and every day, we pay tribute to the heroes of the Tiananmen Square protest – and we will never allow their dreams of a fairer, freer China to be forgotten.”
Source: Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi