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'Click' Here to Visit: 'Yosemite Bug Health Spa', Now Open. "We provide a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere. Come in and let us help You Relax"
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'Click' for More Info: 'Chocolate Soup', Fine Home Accessories and Gifts, Located in Mariposa, California
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June 10, 2024 - Currently, nine large, uncontained wildfires are being managed with full suppression strategies nationwide, in Florida, Washington, firefighters credit nifcArizona, and New Mexico. Four large wildfires are being managed under strategies other than full suppression, in New Mexico and Florida. 

A critical incident management team is mobilizing to the Pioneer Fire in Washington, which is threatening structures. The team managing the Indios Fire in New Mexico is demobilizing and transferring command back to the local unit today. 

The national predictive services staff at the National Interagency Coordination Center released the National Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook for June through September. Parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Florida could see above normal potential for wildfires in June. For additional information about the current outlook visit the Outlook page on the NICC site

What do we mean when we say “strategies other than full suppression”? When wildland fires threaten communities, historic places, natural resources, etc., firefighters will usually attempt to suppress the fire (put it out) completely. However, sometimes the strategy that is more ecologically healthy or safe is to allow naturally-ignited fires (usually lightning strikes) to spread naturally and self-extinguish, particularly in ecosystems that are adapted to fire. Sometimes firefighters will suppress one flank of the fire, but allow it to continue burning in another direction (away from people and infrastructure!). Wildfire management means using the right tool in the right situation. 


Temperatures in the Mississippi Valley and eastward will be cooler than normal today, while high temperatures across much of the West will be normal to above normal, with the hottest areas reaching 105°F in parts of far southern California and southwest Arizona. In general, most the of the West will experience warm, dry conditions with the potential for isolated dry thunderstorms in portions of northern New Mexico where breezy, westerly winds are also likely. Scattered wet thunderstorm activity will develop over eastern New Mexico, Colorado and into west Texas and much of the Great Plains, with isolated severe thunderstorms possible in parts of the central and northern High Plains. The southern half of Florida is likely to receive showers and thunderstorms with some areas receiving periods of heavy rain. A cooling trend is forecast for Alaska with cooler temperatures, into the mid 70s in the interior, and higher relative humidity than in recent days. Wetting rain is forecast for the southern parts of the state. National Predictive Services Outlook 6 Minutes for Safety: The 6 Minutes for Safety topic of the day is Hazard Mitigation Through Risk Management.

Daily statistics
Number of new large fires or emergency response 
New fires are identified with an asterisk
7 States currently reporting large fires:
Number of active large fires
Total does not include individual fires within complexes.
Acres from active fires 27,339
Fires contained 4

Year-to-date statistics
2024 (1/1/24-6/10/24) Fires: 17,554 Acres: 2,000,232
2023 (1/1/23-6/10/23) Fires: 20,132 Acres: 628,581
2022 (1/1/22-6/10/22) Fires: 13,471 Acres: 2,174,946
2021 (1/1/21-6/10/21) Fires: 27,104 Acres: 926,584
2020 (1/1/20-6/10/20) Fires: 20,541 Acres: 597,262
2019 (1/1/19-6/10/19) Fires: 16,516 Acres: 360,227
2018 (1/1/18-6/10/18) Fires: 25,437 Acres: 1,845,444
2017 (1/1/17-6/10/17) Fires: 26,333 Acres: 2,393,021
2016 (1/1/16-6/10/16) Fires: 21,739 Acres: 1,797,134
2015 (1/1/15-6/10/15) Fires: 23,417 Acres: 486,808
2014 (1/1/14-6/10/14) Fires: 23,002 Acres: 788,440

10-year average Year-to-Date
2014-2023 Fires: 23,195 Acres: 1,176,751

Source: NIFC