High-Country Health Food and Cafe in Mariposa California

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Deputies Rescue Dogs from Canal 

March 19, 2025 – Fresno County Sheriff's Office officials report that on March 5th, a citizen called in to report two dogs were trapped and in the Friant Kern Canal, near McKinley and Viau Ave. near Sanger. When the citizen attempted to rescue the dogs, they became frightened and swam away.

Fresno County Sheriff's Deputies Wells, Chang and Lincoln responded, along with an officer from Fresno Humane Animal Services. Almost 45 minutes later, the dogs made their way to a small landing inside the canal but were still unable to get out. Deputy Wells and Chang, who both have Search and Rescue (SAR) experience, teamed up to rescue the dogs. Wells entered the water and utilized ropes Chang and citizens had, attaching them to the dogs and bringing both of them up to safety on the shore.

View video here.

FCSO canal
Source: Fresno County Sheriff's Office