High-Country Health Food and Cafe in Mariposa California

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cannabis marijuana credit california cannabis portal
Credit: California Cannabis Portal

April 27, 2021 - This morning the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Office Community Resource Unit served a search warrant in the 2100 block of Robertson Rd.

The search warrant was based upon the presence of an illegal marijuana cultivation.  At the conclusion of the warrant service there were 6,000 plants eradicated, and two suspects arrested for the stanislaus county sheriffs office logoillegal cultivation of marijuana.

The Stanislaus County Sheriff's Office wants to remind our community that marijuana cultivations present many dangers to the public.  Illegal marijuana cultivations are very lucrative, and many times used as a means to fund criminal organizations.

Based on this, law enforcement finds illegal cultivations a common target for theft and robbery.  Those that cultivate illegal marijuana grows find it necessary to protect their assets by arming those watching over the cultivation.

The Sheriff's Office commonly recovers illegally possessed firearms, automatic weapons, and other illegal weapons during marijuana investigations.  It is our desire to provide our community with education pertaining to the dangers of these illegal marijuana cultivations.

We would ask you the community to be aware of illegal marijuana cultivations in your neighborhood.  Avoid them when possible and report them to your local law enforcement agency.

An anonymous tip line is available through Crime Stoppers; Call Toll free 1-866-60-CRIME(27463) or (209) 521-4636


Source: Stanislaus County Sheriff's Office