9/20/24 Update Per San Bernardino Police Department: Missing person Jose Francisco Macias has been located!
Critical Missing Person
September 20, 2024 – San Bernardino Police Department officials report that Officers are currently working on a critical missing person Jose Francisco Macias. He was last seen at 815 A.M. at the Circle K located at 337 E. 9th Street. He is approximately 5'5 tall and 155 pounds with brown eyes and black/gray short hair.
He was last seen wearing an olive-green shirt with the wording "Vietnam Vet," blue jean pants, white/black Nike shoes, and a blue flannel hooded jacket. His name is JOSE FRANCISCO MACIAS.
If you have seen this person or have located him, please contact the San Bernardino Police Department at (909) 383-5311
Source & photo: San Bernardino Police Department